Custom Design

Contact us for your special occasion - or if you just want a new comfy hoodie or shirt with your very own design!  Maybe you just want some special Herrington Lake gear? We can work together to make that happen.

Just Three Easy Steps to work on a specialty design for you. Call. Customize. Connect. 

1) We have a call about what you want to design.

2) We customize a design and some options for you to choose from. 

3) Lastly, we connect you with your new designs, clothes, or accessories! We can even put them online to sell to your friends at a discounted rate!

Add a fun new element to your next Herrington Lake event. Contact us for details, or ask any questions. We want to help! You can email or call (859) 379-9870, or use the contact form below.

Contact Us and We Will Reach Out To You